Baladna Shop
Indian lentil soup

Indian lentil soup

Nutritional Category:

  • vegetarian
  • vegan
  • Lactose free
  • Gluten free


  • Baladna red lentils
  • Baladna green lentils
  • Baladna sunflower
  • Baladna cumin
  • Baladna 7 spices
  • Baladna coriander
  • Baladna laurel leaves
  • Baladna Paprika
  • Baladna chili
  • Baladna ginger
  • Baladna paprika
  • onions
  • red paprika
  • green paprik
  • coriander


  • Cook the lentils, fry the onions and paprika with the ghee, add all the spices with the vegetables, add the vegetable spice mix to the boiled lentils. At last, when the lentils are well cooked, add the chickpeas
  • Enjoy your meal

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