Baladna Shop
Kebbeh, raw

Kebbeh, raw

Nutritional Category:

  •  Lactose free
  • vegetarian
  • vegan


  • Baladna bulgur-fine
  • Baladna olive oil
  • Baladna tomato paste
  • Baladna pomegranate syrup
  • Baladna cumin
  • Baladna red paprika paste
  • tomato
  • onion
  • walnuts


  • Soak the bulgur in water and add onions, tomato, cumin, paprika paste, tomato paste and olive oil.
    Grind all ingredients, add the walnuts and grind again. Add some olive oil and mix it.
    Garnish with pomegranate syrup.
    Enjoy your meal

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