Baladna Shop
Mallow with Freekeh

Mallow with Freekeh

Nutritional Category:

  • lactose free


  • Baladna mallow
  • Baladna Freekeh
  • Baladna ghee
  • Baladna coriander
  • Baladna laurel leaves
  • Lemon
  • Chicken meat
  • garlic


  • Cook the chicken meat with laurel leaves
  • Roast garlic and coriander using Baladna ghee and add the mallow leaves to after washing and roast it. Add lemon juice at the end.
  • Add hot water or chicken broth
  • and cook for 30 minutes
  • Roast freekeh in a separate pot
  • using Baladna ghee and then
  • add 1.5 cups of water to each
  • cup of freekeh and some salt.
  • Cook for 45 minutes.
  • Use roasted nuts to garnish the
  • mallow plate

Enjoy your meal

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