Baladna Shop
Baladna 7th Anniversary

Baladna 7th Anniversary

Baladna started after the owner, Mr. Abdulrazak Kattan, left Syria during the war to Turkey, and started the business from zero working capital with 20 years of experience, and after they did well in Turkey, they went globally and started to export to more than 42 countries.
In 2017, after all the procedures were taken to guarantee the products matching to the EU and German standards, Mr. Kattan decided to start a new headquarter in Germany, near to Dusseldorf, where the sales were Eur 300,000, and to multiple 20 times expects in 2020 to little more than Eur 6,000,000, and the owner, Mr. Kattan, says that “we are not only satisfied with what we had achieved, but we are motivated and planning to achieve again 10 times the current sales value within the next two years”.
But this is not the only reason why Baladna is having its one of the best days, as Baladna started with one person, the owner Mr. Kattan, and now it contains more than 120 employees from different nationalities and on a high level of professionalism in all the company branches.
Also, most of Baladna products are Vegan and provide new and different dishes to vegan consumers as a revolutionary solution to create new and creative vegan recipes.
Baladna started the operation to be listed sooner in the German supermarket chains, and will be available for the German consumers.
Baladna is now planning to expand more and more, as they will launch Baladna USA, and Baladna Canada very soon.
Also, Baladna prepares a new project that will change their strategy to a new huge future movement.
These are some reasons that makes Baladna, the pioneer company in the Arabic Oriental Food chain, and that’s why they are happily celebrating their 7th Anniversary.
Baladna is currently looking for a cooperation with the big players in the food industry in Europe.
The owner, Mr. Kattan, is also proud to belonging to Germany as he believes that Germany is the best country to achieve success stories.

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